Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kelapa Pudding

After Two weeks of exam and studying, finally I manage to post this post. It’s about the famous Kelapa Pudding, yeah. In Sabah there are a lot of different types of food that we can’t get in peninsular. And 1 of it is this :

Kelapa Pudding ( Coconut pudding )

The pudding itself is made inside of the coconut, so when it is served to you, it's one full coconut fill with white pearl pudding. YUMie.e.e.e.e..e.e.e.e.e

Man I tell u it’s so full and filling when u finish eating this. Just imagine, normally when u drink 1 biji of coconut water also you feel full, what else then a whole coconut size of pudding.........

Oh ya almost forgot, the pudding tastes nice, it’s just like how u taste coconut water. Really cooling and refreshing after u take it .Especially like these few days where the Sun is like full blast and free.........mayb Najib got pay extra for the sun this few days hehe......:-)

see how nice it is , mmmum...nice a cooling . Dont believe ask this guy .David Teong aka ....ToPmAn ....SEDAP BAH ...!!!!!!!!!!

then besides this , there are some side dishes to go with this smooth and cooling coconut pudding yeah ........

I forgot what it is dono what loh (in Chinese) but it taste very nice, especially to go with the pudding..

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